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Welcome Pack

Welcome Pack

Welcome to Louise’s DayCare


We are delighted that you have chosen our Daycare setting for your little one. We will strobe to ensure that you are happy with the care and service we provide.

We are dedicated to securing positive parent partnerships with our families and believe it is essential to maintaining a happy atmosphere and developing trust between parents and guardians in our setting.

We recognize and appreciate any apprehension you may have with your child starting a new Daycare  setting, therefore, we aim to ensure our welcome and transition into our setting is as seamless as possible. We believe that positive parent welcomes are vital to securing good relationships in the future.

Our mission is to provide high quality Daycare and education in an environment that is safe and stimulating, a place where learning takes place through play and everyone is treated as an individual. Our main focus is to ensure that we provide Daycare that is both accessible and affordable.


Keeping in Touch

Communication is very important to us. We will work in partnership with you to ensure you are kept updated on your child’s progress at our setting.

At Louise’s Daycare, we use a secure online system called Baby’s Days. You can find out more about Baby’s Days by visiting .


We use Baby’s Days to record a whole host of important information about your child. The system allows us to:

  • Observation, monitor and track your child’s education development, linking it directly into the EYFS guidelines, milestones, and progress checkpoints.

  • Record contact, personal and medical information about your child securely and confidentially. Highlight to you any medical or other incidents that may occur whilst your child is with us and communicate this to you instantly.

  • Ask for your permission on various matters, such as applying sun cream, taking children on outings etc.

  • Communicate with parents about all sorts of things, from newsletter, to questionnaires, to our latest food menus.

  • Upload photographs that are only viewable by you as a parent and designated member of our staff.

  • In addition to this, Baby’s Day also allows you to communicate with us about your child, adding your own observations & photographs, or by sending a secure private message to a member of our team.

Once you have completed a registration form, and your child has started at Louise’s Daycare , you will automatically be added to our Baby’s Days System and will be invited by email to login to your secure account.


Opening Times

Louise’s Daycare opening hours are Monday to Friday from 7 am to 6 pm, closing only on Bank holidays and the week between Christmas and the New Year. 

Additionally, we are closed for inset days, three times in the year. Parents and carers will be notified way ahead. Please consult our website for important days.


Arrival and Collection of Children


  • Ring the bell, state your child’s name and wait for access to the building

  • We operate a no shoe policy; therefore, parents/guardians will be asked to remove their shoes upon entering, alternatively, they should use the blue shoe covers provided

  • Please provide a member of staff with any relevant information that you feel we should know about your child, that include information on illnesses and sleep and if the child has received any medication before coming into the setting

  • Please tell us if anyone else is collecting your child. Please also mention this to the management so that we are aware of the arrangements

  • We have a password system in place for when other adults need to pick up your child from our setting

  • We would request that you email/phone us the day before to inform us that your child will be picked up by someone else. Please give the adult’s name and surname and provide us with a password for example, “purple daisy”

  • When the other adult collects the child, they will be asked to show photo ID, they must have this with them, and they need to provide us with the correct password. If they fail to do so, we will not release the child into their care. In case there is any confusion we will give parents/guardians or emergency contacts a call first to get their consent

  • If you have any upcoming holidays and your child will be away from our setting, please send an email to inform management of the dates.



  • Ring the bell, state your child’s name and wait for access to the building

  • You will receive verbal feedback from a member of staff

  • Please remember to inform us if your child will be absent the following day

  • If your child has had an accident whilst in our setting, a qualified First Aider will give first aid. It will be recorded on an accident form and a witness to the treatment will also sign the form. Please ensure that you read and sign the accident form

  • In case of a more serious accident, an ambulance will be called, and a member of staff will escort the child to the nearest A and E department. The parent will be informed, and you will be advised of the situation. In these cases, getting the child to the hospital to receive medical attention is our main priority.

  • In cases of smaller accidents, you will receive a phone call to inform you of the accident.


Illness at the Setting

We take the health and wellbeing of all our children very seriously. Whilst we understand the difficulties of you getting to the setting at short notice, we will only contact you if we consider it necessary and would appreciate your co-operation when your child is ill.

When a child in our care becomes unwell, we will contact the parent/guardian and discuss the situation. For this reason, a minimum of two emergency contact numbers must be provided or the parent/guardian must be contactable always. It is the responsibility of the parent to make sure that all relevant information regarding their child’s medical needs is passed on to staff at Louise’s Daycare.

If we suspect a child has a contagious illness, we will remove the child from contact with other children and contact the child’s parents/guardians to arrange an immediate pickup. If parents/guardians are unable to collect straight away the staff will make the child as comfortable as possible and monitor. If the child’s temperature is increasing after the administration of Calpol, emergency services will be called, and parents/guardian will be notified.



Staff at Louise’s Daycare will only administer medication that is prescribed for pain or fever relief. We keep Calpol on the premises to be used in an emergency. We will only administer one dose of Calpol. If your child’s temperature does not reduce or recurs, we will contact you to collect your child.

When staff is presented with any medication from a parent/guardian to administer a Medication Consent Form must be completed by a parent/guardian on the morning of the day the medicine needs to be administered.

Medication will be administered under the following guidelines;

  • Medication will only be administered if prescribed by a GP/Doctor or Calpol to relieve a temperature

  • All medication MUST be labelled with your child’s name, date of birth, date of dispensing, and dosage. The label must be written in English and prescribe by a British Health Centre.

  • Request for administering medication must be completed using the medication form provided by the staff

  • All mediation administered will be recorded on a form signed first by the relevant staff member and witness. This form must be handed to the appropriate member of staff who will make sure all the information obtained is correct. The parent/guardian must then sign the Medication Form. The manager must be informed that there is a child who needs to be given medication on that day


Illness at Home


We request that children who are ill do not attend the setting and that if a child has had sickness (vomiting or Diarrhoea) he or she should not return to the setting for at least 48 hours from when the symptoms have ceased. Please notify us if your child is absent through illness including what the illness is, if possible.


The following conditions all required your child staying at home until he or she has recovered;


  • Diarrhoea and vomiting (48 hours after last occurrence)

  • Infectious disease like Chicken Pox, Measles etc

  • Conjunctivitis (until treatment is obtained)

  • If your child has a fever at the setting for two days in a row, we would ask that they stay at home until they are well enough to return


Potty Training

Children need to feel comfortable about potty training. All children will have the chance to use a potty and learn to use it at their own pace, without any pressure.

When you want to start the potty training, speak to a member of staff and they will give you some advice. If you decided that you want to start, we will copy what your child is used to doing at home. Staff will be happy to discuss the process with you at any time.



We request that all the belongings of children are clearly marked. We would also request that each child is provided with at least two changes of clothes which are also clearly marked.

It is an essential component of educative play that children can enjoy art and craft activities. Inevitably children will transfer some of these art materials to themselves and their clothing. We attempt as far as possible to purchase glue, paste, and paint which are “washable” but in practice, not everything is washable off all clothing materials. Parents/guardians should, therefore, dress their children with this in mind.



We believe that mealtimes should be social, happy times! Food is freshly prepared on the premises daily, ensuring we provide a well-balanced diet which will encourage your child to develop sensible eating habits. We believe that eating healthy is extremely important in the development of young children. We recognise that children should be able to enjoy food as well as learn good behaviours for the future.

  • Special dietary requirements are catered for upon request (A Health Care Plan needs to be completed)

  • Vegetarian options are available upon request

  • Halal meat is available upon request

  • The menus are displayed on the parent information board

  • A typical day will include; Breakfast, Snack, Lunch, Snack, Tea

  • Drinks; milk or water is available throughout the day


What your child will need each day;

  • Two sets of spare marked clothing preferably older ones so that children can enjoy messy play

  • If your child is potty training, please provide us with at least 5 sets of spare underwear extra trousers/leggings

  • Hat and Sun cream (labeled) for during the Summer months

  • Hat, gloves, scarf, wellington boots (labeled) for during the Winter months

  • Nappy cream if required

  • Formula if required (we supply cow milk)

  • Any comforters your child may need

  • Indoor slippers


Learning Structure

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

We offer a wide variety of activities that encourage children to use their imagination, solve problems, investigate, and, work cooperatively with their peers. The Early Year =s Foundation Stage is a curriculum designed to support the needs of children through play to give them the best possible start in life.


The revised EYFS is based on 4 themes.

  1. A Unique Child – incorporating child development, inclusive practice, keeping safe, health and wellbeing

  2. Positive Relationships – encompassing respecting each other, parents/guardians as partners, supporting learning and key persons

  3. Enabling Environments – including observation, assessment, and planning, supporting every child, the learning environment and the wider context

  4. Learning and Development – featuring play and exploration, active learning, creativity, and critical thinking, areas of learning and development


Play underpins the delivery of the curriculum and it is divided into two main areas; Prime areas and Specific areas.

Prime areas:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development – Some aspects of this are; forming friendships, identifying, and appropriately expressing emotions, displaying independence and self- confidence.

  • Communication and Language – examples of this include; listening and attention, understanding, and speaking.

  • Physical Development – Incorporating movement such as crawling, running, throwing, balancing, rolling, and pushing. Awareness of space of self and others as well as the need for a rest, food, and development of healthy attitudes.


Specific areas:

  • Literacy – This is through reading and writing

  • Mathematics – We develop this through puzzles, matching, counting, number recognition, comparing, and using mathematical terms such as empty, full, heavy, and light.

  • Understanding the World – This represents understanding how things work, using information and communication technology, being interest in the world including nature, people, cultures, and community.

  • Expressive Art and Design – Dance, singing, using instruments, arts, exploring textures, using imaginative/make-believe play, and using imagination are all forms of creative development.


Our children have the opportunity to play and free flow is encouraged between rooms. Meeting the needs of the children lies in the heart of the EYFS. Our staff delivers personalised learning development and care to help children achieve their potential. Our activities and planning are based on the child’s next steps and their current interest and our model is flexible to allow changes throughout the day.


Frequently asked questions and answers


Can my child do extra sessions?

Yes, of course, we will check availability Monday to Friday to see what we can offer you.


When will my child be eligible for Free Entitlement sessions and do, I need to make a claim for it?

Your child will be eligible for the (free early years learning for 3 -year olds) the term after their 3rd birthday. Terms are January, April, and September. You do not need to do anything. We will automatically give you all the information you need nearer to the time. Parents/guardians will be required to apply for the (free early years learning for two-year olds) funding from your borough. If your child is eligible, they can get free early learning the term after their second birthday. Some working parents/guardians may be eligible to 30 hours a week. Please seek guidance from your local borough. 


I need to change my child’s day of attendance, what do I need to do?

Just ask, you can either email us or speak to a member of staff when you drop off or collect your child. Kindly note, we will need one months’ notice to reduce your sessions. If you would like to increase your sessions, we will make every effort to accommodate your requirements. Please note, if you change your attendance pattern mid-month, then your invoice will be calculated per session for the first month.


What notice period do I need to give if my child will be leaving the setting?

We will require one month’s notice of your intent to leave Louise’s Daycare . Your deposit will be deducted from your final invoice. If your child received free entitlement, you will need to give two months’ notice.


What is your Ofsted Registration Number? As we need to inform HMRC and the Council of changes to the Daycare .

We have been Ofsted since 2022. Our Ofsted Registration Number is EY2712033. Our registration address is, 180 Eynsham Drive, William Temple Church, Abbey Wood SE2 9PT.

Mobile: 07949 689 366, Phone: 020 3524 5088


Can I swap a session?

Unfortunately, in most cases we will be unable to swap sessions. However, we will make every effort to accommodate any extra sessions that you may need. Just speak with a member of staff.


How do I pay my fees?

Fees are payable monthly in advance on the 1st of the month. See attached price list for our current fees. Fees should be paid by bank transfer to the account details provided below. Your child’s name should be used for reference.

Account Name: Louise’s ChildCare  LTD

Bank Name: Barclays Bank

Account Number: 03070743

Sort Code: 20 90 74


If you have any questions not listed here, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to welcoming your child to our setting and working in partnership with you, to provide the best care and development.


Print Name:

Parents/Guardians ………………………………………………….



Parents/Guardians ………………………………………………….

Date: ………………………………………………………………….


Admissions Policy

It is our policy to ensure that parents are advised of the fees that we charge and what these fees include and exclude. We aim to make my setting accessible to children and families from the local community through open, fair, and clearly communicated policies and procedures.


Opening hours

Our setting is open at these times: 7am to 6pm                                                                                                                                                              

Childcare and Early Education Entitlements

We offer the following; together for twos and, free early years learning for 3 and 4 year olds.

We claim funding from the local authority (Greenwich) for your child after having seen evidence to verify their date of birth at our initial meeting. Parents will be required to fully complete a Parent’s/guardian’s Declaration Form for me to claim any funding and deliver the funded care.

For more information on all entitlements, and to check eligibility criteria please visit .

Attendance during funded hours


Please inform me of any reason your child is unable to attend the setting. We am required to monitor your child’s attendance and inform the local authority if attendance falls below 90%.

If you take your child out of my setting during funded hours, then we are not required to provide alternative sessions.



Please contact the manager for an up to date fees information.

Hourly rate ………………………………………………

Daily rate ……………………………………………….

Weekly ………………………………………………….


Additional charges

There is a charge for certain additional services.

Please note that if you are accessing one of the childcare and early years entitlements, that Government funding is not intended to cover the cost of meals, other consumables, additional hours, or additional services. If you are only accessing funded hours, then these charges are optional and are not a condition of accessing a free place. All additional charges will be itemised on your invoice. If you experience difficulties meeting the cost of these additional services, please speak to us.



All planned outing will be discussed with parents/guardians in advance. Parents may be required to pay a contribution towards these outings.


Occasional charges

There may be times that other fees are added to your monthly invoice. These may include;

Late collection fee: £………… per ………. minutes late collection.



It is my policy to charge a deposit. If your child is taking up a funded place, this deposit will be fully refunded when they take up their place as planned.

Please see your contract for details of the different types of deposits.



Payment day …………………………………………

Payment in advance/arrears …………………………………………

Daily, Weekly, Monthly ………………………………………………………………….

Preferred mode of payment, standing order, direct debit.


We accept payment via most childcare vouchers. Please check with us as to whether we accept the vouchers provided by your workplace. We are also registered with the Government Tax-Free Childcare system.

Unpaid fees


Fees paid in advance for contracted hours or those billed at the end of the month for payment with the invoice will be charged at a late payment rate of £10 per working day, to a maximum of £30.

If fees have not been paid by the end of the first week of the month the contract will be suspended until payment has been made.


Payment in case of force closures

The parent agrees and accepts that this Contract and attached Fees Policy will not be voided by riots, civil unrest or commotion, pandemic, social “lockdown” or strike action. In these circumstances, the childminder reserves the right to charge the parent a retainer, in the form of a reduce amount of 50% of their normal weekly/monthly fee for the duration of the closure.


Retainers – deposits – settling



A retainer keeps a place open for a child if you want to send your child but do not want the space immediately.

We charge half normal fees during the waiting period.

Please note, that retainer fees are for me to keep unless the place is not available when you want it, in which case the retainer fee will be repaid in full. Please note that we cannot charge a retainer fee for an unborn child.



You pay an agreed amount of money as a deposit to reserve your child’s place for an agreed date in the future.

We charge two weeks of the normal fees calculated using the child’s usual sessions as a deposit.

If we are unable to offer the place, the deposit will be returned in full. If you cancel the requested place you will lose your deposit.

The deposit will be credited against final fees minus any other charges.

The deposit may need to be adjusted if you change your child’s days/hours in the future.


Registration fee

We do charge a registration fee of £40 to cover the cost of paperwork and initial information sharing.

If you have any questions with regards to my Fees Policy, please do not hesitate to discuss them with me.


Help with fees

Tax credits may pay a percentage of your childcare depending on joint family income. Advice can be found here – . If you need help with claiming Tax Credits or other benefits (letter writing, confirmation of invoices, amounts charge etc) please let me know.


Problem paying fees

Please let us know as quickly as possible if you are having problems paying your child’s fees. We would much rather work with you to solve the issues than have to cause a child upset and trauma by terminating their contract.


Contract Termination

All fees must be paid in full before the contract is terminated. Contract termination must normally be given in writing giving a minimum of 4 weeks’ notice by either party.


The termination period does not include holiday days/weeks.

The termination period is chargeable at the normal rate. If any fees are outstanding, including any fees in lieu of notice, you will be acting in breach of the contract. In such an instance we reserve the right to seek legal advice.

The deposit will be used as payment towards the fees for last month of your child’s care and any extra fees will be invoiced for payment during the first week of the month.


Fees Review

Fees are reviewed annually in April. You will be informed in the February’s newsletter if fees are changing. This will give you 4 weeks’ notice so you can adjust your tax credits, bank payments information or and vouchers.


Download the registration form.

Let’s Work Together

Get in touch so we can start working together.

Thanks for submitting!


Louise’s Daycare, 180 Eynsham Drive, William Temple Church, Abbey Wood, England, United Kingdom SE2 9PT



0203 916 5363


© by Louise's DayCare. 

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